•   Jai Shri Hanuman

Timing of Events Technique Predictive Numerology

Timing of Events Technique – Predictive Numerology
Its been very long time I have been following Occult discussions and Astrology Predictions to understand accuracy and devotion practiced by chosen astrologers.


One such Chosen and very special Astrologer is my favorite for last many years. In one of his videos and our personal conversations – we discussed about method for awakening and raising our spiritual being.


Considering same practices – I have stopped accepting further Paid Consultation requests – Limiting myself to few selective friends for conversations and several other limitations in lifestyle.


With constant desire and work towards understanding time trend – Probably similar to Dasha System in Astrology – I was working and wondering if ever there will be any concrete finding in Predictive Numerology
Around 3 Weeks Ago, I saw whats-app status of a Astrologer friend – this status triggered an understanding of certain combinations and calculation method. In same week – read message from another friend taking this combinations further as if supreme guiding to new finding


And finally a new finding of combinations was confirmed – #NumeroDiscovery confirming Timing of Events in form of Phase / Period (Approximately an year ago there was discovery of an aspect for yearly calculations using timing of events and several predictions were made using same combo- all worked well) – This one is different and it can go on plotting life graph for positive and negative phase.


Current finding brought a different emotion – an emotion never experienced in past with more than 145 techniques discovered. It is first time I felt Euphoria


This technique & Calculation is deep and complex (complex in a sense that with mastering this technique – it will be convenient to confirm date of phase (trend) change) – Further detailing – Success Factors & Health issues or challenges with timing …


I take it as a big complement when friends and seekers suspect if am mixing Astrology in my Numerology Predictions – Knowing it is only Numerology at work


Check below – Timing technique at work …










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