•   Jai Shri Hanuman

Sitting Around With Family

Sitting around with family: while kids were busy playing, my mind was engrosed in thinking about numbers and various combinations that bring losses, negative events and series of issues on political level.
This has become a common phenomenon for my mind to work on numbers and various combinations formed between Numbers and Names while world is busy doing routine.
Thought about number 15: China and current situation with CoronaVirus globally was occupying my mind majorly
Some New Learnings clicked in flash and it helped in developing new techniques in Numerology for understanding why certain Compound Numbers/Single Numbers are severaly affected while others Numbers are not affected in particular combination.
In my recent findings I have come across understanding of the logic behind threats to number 15 through 4 & 8 and this learnings further helped in uncovering secrets on many other compound numbers.
Advance calculations on Numbers helped to understand Numerological Reason for #ITALY #CHILE #GERMANY #IRAQ #CHINA and other many countries to stay in news for negative reasons in the year 2020
China forms Name total in 15 (Chaldean Calculations) and Tarot Card Interpretations read that Number 15 will face risk and manisfestation of darker side when associated with Number 4 & 8. But tarot cards don’t reveal reasons or logical explaination behind this concept of threats to 15 due to “4”& “8”. Check below images to read on Tarot Card Number 15 Interpretations
Year 2020 will otherwise keep #Countires/#Cities/#Towns and #People with Prominent 4: 7: 8 & 9 in news for negative reasons as per basic understanding of Numerology – Harmony & Conflict Concepts and we are seeing this already with few listed below #MALTA(4) #PAKISTAN(7) #SYRIA(8) & #IRAN(9)
As per recent finding Compound 10, 12, 20, 21, & 5 will also face negative events with Prominent 4 & 8
“America” appears as special Case with 2 of common names for One Nation falling into category of negative events for Year 2020 (there could be more such nations- couldn’t manage to check names of all the countires)
USA -10 & America -17


America has 2 layers of negative combination to bring series of negative events and keep #America in News Headlines around the year 2020 for Economic & Political reasons
Few Countries with NAme Total in 15


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