•   Jai Shri Hanuman

Medical Numerology

Numerology Predictions (Medical Numerology)
General Descriptions of Personality in Numerology is easiest and very commonly practiced. We all are aware about Traits associated with fundamental 9 Numbers.


Real Challenge starts while Predicting Events based on Numerology. Numerology Alone. Especially events on Medical aspects
Without getting into complex chart preparation, nor relying on software for interpretations – unlike Astrology.


Numerology is beautiful and Much instant
Had query about Health Concerns of Elderly Mother from a friend. Checked her Birth Date + Name and her combinations triggered life long good health except – Health issues from Last 4 years – Digestive System or Uterus is target body part hinted in combinations – Feedback confirmed Surgery in Gal Bladder couple of years ago (4 Years span)
Combinations also hinted towards Joint Pain – triggering inefficiency in moving currently (Trouble walking independently) – precisely at lower body part – actually at knees and feedback confirmed same thing. Inability to walk in current time.


Check these Numerology Predictions …
Experience Divine – Experience Numerology



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