•   Jai Shri Hanuman

Blog List

August 12, 2020
Timing of Events Technique – Predictive Numerology

Timing of Events Technique - Predictive Numerology - Stunning Daily Predictions Last time I shared Timing of Events Technique - Test Feedback (Whatsapp Conversation Screenshot) on 30th June 2020 - To the Accuracy of Several Years (Phase - Period) Since

July 21, 2020
Predictive Numerology : Timing of Events Timing is Everything Timing of Events is My recent discovery in Predictive Numerology

Predictive Numerology : Timing of Events Timing is Everything Timing of Events is My recent discovery in Predictive Numerology - Its been just few weeks and this is third Article describing my experiences with new technique. All this while, I

June 30, 2020
Timing of Events Technique Predictive Numerology

Timing of Events Technique - Predictive Numerology Its been very long time I have been following Occult discussions and Astrology Predictions to understand accuracy and devotion practiced by chosen astrologers.   One such Chosen and very special Astrologer is my

June 16, 2020

NAME CORRECTION As Numerology is becoming popular, many are learning about numbers and names from books, internet, blogs, videos and through various other sources and most try self-help formula in regard to NAME CORRECTION Some prefer seeking professional help for

June 12, 2020
Numerology & DNA

Numerology & DNA DNA has two Stands - revealing about ancestry History Numerology Compound Numbers are much similar to DNA 2 Stands- Combined - Two Different Numbers coming together reveals much about individuals' past and future.   I have been

June 9, 2020
Medical Numerology

Numerology Predictions (Medical Numerology) General Descriptions of Personality in Numerology is easiest and very commonly practiced. We all are aware about Traits associated with fundamental 9 Numbers.   Real Challenge starts while Predicting Events based on Numerology. Numerology Alone. Especially

June 3, 2020
Kids Name Correction

Kids Name Correction - Observations on Parents Traits from Kids Birth Date I have been Offering Name Corrections to seekers for more than a decade now and Adult Name Correction Percentage has always been more than Kids Name Correction for

April 27, 2020
Chaldean Numerology Concept

NumeroMagic's Original - Predictive Numerology Course (following Chaldean Numerology Concept) #Number24 has #2Moon & #4Rahu - Inimical in Astrology. Right Friends ??? Why Numerology considers Number 24 & 42 Auspicious Numbers?   How come inimical numbers coming together bestows good

April 22, 2020
Individuals Birth Date

Predictive Numerology Course - Finding from a Brilliant Participant While determining about "father" in particular, from an individuals birth date,   One Participant from last Batch of "Predictive Numerology Course" - has come across combinations such that when found in

March 25, 2020
Place Of Birth Numerology Predictions

I did Numerology Predictions for an Individual for himself, his spouse, his spouse house direction (location) from his place of birth, spouse parents profession.   His own career and success away from place of birth and indication of extra marital