Colors of Life & Oneness
We all have one Common light within us – Light of Prana – Life Energy. As we are divided into different shapes and species we acquire different colors – We see many colors in the Universe around us – These colors are illusionary.
Spectres of Colors are Many – But truth is Only One – Only One Color is Real – Every other color is merely a reflection of One. As Light Passes through the prism of Mind – Consciousness or Matter, different colors are produced. In simple sense, as Light is divided or Analyzed – Colorless shade of Light transforms into Color.
Lets understand Colors of Life & Colorless Oneness with Help of Few Superrich Sanskrit Words.
Sanskrit has a beautiful collection of abundantly rich words – These rich words cannot be literally translated into any other language. We will use a few Sanskrit words as it is, just to understand the Colors of Life & Oneness at its best.
Jyotish is a beautiful Sanskrit word, To my Personal understanding, “Sanskrit comes from the word Sanskar” (Samskar), – Word Sanskar is probably derived from word Sansar – Sanskar is Understanding of rightfulness – Code of Conduct in perfect tune with Sansar (The Universe). For Evolution and Smooth Sustenance & Existence of Sansar.
Sanskriti is a Civilization enriched with wisdom and rules of rightful & dutiful living. Sanskrit is not only a language – Rather Sanskrit is an intelligence in the form of Sanskar (Sanskriti) Suitable for smooth running of the Universe. For this very reason Sanskrit has its roots going back to being the oldest language of the Universe.
With Loss of Sanskrit as most practiced Language – “Sanskar emanating wellbeing of Sansar are also lost.
Jyotish is made of two words like many other Sanskrit words. These two words are Jyoti + Ishvar. Divine Light or Light of God. This divine light is formless & colorless in its original form. Modern Science Estimates around 8.7 Million Identified Species – This Huge count brings in a wide spectrum of possible colors. Possible Colors from Optical Lens (Nothing else)
Beauty is Every (Species) Color is distinctive and does its part in helpful methodology for the betterment of ecology. Prediction or Intuition is Naturally present in every being – All other beings are one with intrinsic principle of the Universe. All other beings utilize intuition (Predictions) to enhance life experiences, except We Human – We try to alter the course of events with our knowledge of Jyotish.
Jyotish is not Just a Predictive Science – Prediction is one small aspect of Jyotish.
Jyotish is Understanding the Divine Leela of the Cosmic Power
Leela is another beautiful Sanskrit word. Leela is interpreted as Play in the English Dictionary, English Interpretation of Sanskrit words is shallow and superficial. To my personal understanding, “Leela is the Interplay of Divine and Mortal beings.” This is the most important thing to understand – The Divine Leela.
Jyotish comes from Learning of The Divine Leela – The Very Understanding of the Shakti – Prana Shakti. This means Jyotish is not just a predictive science – Jyotish is science of sustenance of the Universe – The #Leela with Inclusion of #Samagra
Jyotish Explains that Everything is Leela – Jyotish is Learning the Leela by being an inseparable part of it, Everything in the Universe is in constructive series – In absolute Harmony for the propagation of life in its designated pattern. Union with Universe establishes the connection in the form of insights – an ability to decode the event in The Leela. This Oneness with innate Power is essential to Learn order of the events.
Sanskrit word Samagra Means in Totality – Absolute Oneness with Existence. Innate Accord with the Universe.
If One Tries to separate itself from the integral (Samagra) to become an External, or An Interferer – Expert Knower of the Divine Will & Interplay, This disconnection from the fundamental triggers downfall – This is the very reason most jyotish selling remedies and intervention modules to the extremes fail miserably in their life. Remedies should primarily focus on endurance fundamentals for the person as well as for the ecosystem.
Jyotish is about learning the constitution of the Prana Shakti – We are all mortals here – Play must go on uninterrupted in its predesigned & predetermined sequence – Our intelligence should be exercised in developing the understanding that becoming the part of indispensable we fulfill our role in the Divine Leela.
We humans have the most evolved mind to understand the divine sequence of events, Our Entire Ecology revolves around the Sun – Ageing is determined by the movement of Planets in accordance with the Sun. As we become structural like birds, animals, trees and flowers in tune with the energy of the Sun – Jyotish comes easy. With Jyotish comes knowledge of the Jyoti – Divine Light.
#Jyoti & #Samarpan
Jyoti – Colorless – Formless Divine Light is experienced – Enlightenment is possible with Samarpan to the Universal Energy. As we witness the colorless light, we see all beings as one. All the external conditioning of mind – optical lens falls apart bringing in a clear view of the prana jyoti.
Our #Karmas should be a step forward towards experiencing oneness with #Samagra. Our #Sanskar should enrich #Sansar with active involvement in the Divine #Leela – Eventually resulting in the experience of enlightenment – Divya #Jyoti