•   Jai Shri Hanuman

Divine Intervention – Supreme Will

On Auspicious eve of Shri Ram Navami #NumeroMagic prays Bhagwan Shri Ram to Bless everyone with Good Health, Happiness and Abundance

Jai Shri Ram

♥ राम राम ♥ “Chanting the Name of the Lord is the best of all tools of the yoga of devotion, or prema. At the root of every miracle the world has ever seen – past, present, and future – “Naam Japa” is the one tremendous powerhouse of energy” ♥ राम राम ♥

Denial – Delay – Direction

September 2020 – I was busy working on website, New Outlook was in plan, with New Banners, Logo, Improved Name Calculators with Supporting Examples of Leading Personalities & Brands, NumeroMagic’s Original – Predictive Numerology Courses, 140+ Consultation Options and Blog for those who Enjoy reading Predictive Numerology Research Articles.

Everything was going well as planned. Logo Designing was done, Banners for Courses & Consultations were ready on time. Graphic Designer Suggested since its a Occult Science Site – originating from India, Lets have something different in banner (header) that stands out and appears authentic Indian with Vedic touch.

She did several banners for header with carvings in watermark replicating carvings inscribed on pillars and gateways of Vedic Temples & Monuments – Appearance was not up to our expectation. New designs were put to trial every second day and every other design was not going well up to the expectation. New Designs were tested and more were created.

Three Days later there were no new designs, Text messages were dropped – no reply – no receipt notification – Website work was nearing completion without Banner – Committed date for Website Launch was not to far. I tried to reach her via phone call (out of network coverage – was response from telecom service provider).

Meanwhile in my usual manner, I started my conversation with Shri Neem Karoli Baba – Asking for his permission, If Bhagwan ji is not happy with me doing new outlook to website or should I step back from adding Courses, Consultations and stop my idea of website building. There was no indication from Maharaj ji – kept me wondering – simultaneously I kept trying to reach my Graphic Designer friend via text messages, phone calls, whatsapp msgs (situation didn’t change)

From my experience of last several years, It was certain that Denial – Delay – Direction is all interlinked and Its Divine Intervention from Bhagwan ji himself for better reasons – Looking around to catch hint of his instructions

In my daily routine, I was reading divine stories of Shri Neem Karoli baba asking for an Indication from him – to conclude if to continue with website.., God Directed! – I came across this picture of Shri Neem Karoli baba

I got my hint – I had one software for Banner design – had word with Web Designer and asked him to practice patience with me while trying designs that I Would share with him – for trial – Preview on Website Header – He Agreed

I started working and initially made just one single row of Shri Ram naam- Hindi Font in watermark style – It didn’t appear well – Probably bhagwanji wanted something better

Next Banner had 3 rows of Shri Ram Naam in Hindi font – this too didn’t go well

Flash reflected – to have Continuous rows of Shri Ram Naam with equal spacing throughout the banner dimension as were reflected (printed) on traditional towels used by Pundits (Temple Keepers) in Shri Hanuman ji / Shri Ram ji Temples.

It started with Delay – Appeared like Denial from Bhagwan ji (Supreme) – Later turned out to be best Direction

That’s how Supreme works – Its always best to have faith in every situation – God is guiding for something better – better than our idea and vision.

Often – As we see things not turning out as expected, we tend to get into criticizing, complaining, comparing, competing and contending without understanding that – there should be a better way, a better direction, a better approach.

Occult Help Seekers ask for remedies – Whole Concept of Remedy is to get desired result – It is good most of the times, however, In times when things don’t go our way and all that we come across is Denial – Delay – Our faith in supreme should rise and help us in surrendering to supreme to guide us with best suitable Direction

Surrendering – Acceptance – Faith – Works wonder in odd situations.

This design for banner was never thought in first place – never visualized or discussed in our distant vision – Supreme Will must have decided and designed it – Eventually conceptualized

Supreme vision will always be Best (unmatched) – Jai Shri Ram

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