•   Jai Shri Hanuman

Numerological Remedies & Predictions

Numerological Remedies & Predictions

Many Courses – Many Books – Much Practice & still if you are failing to Make Predictions as well as to deliver suitable remedies – You just need a registration in Our Courses.
Actually if looked well, Predictions & Remedies are interlinked- Two Sides of Same Coin – If You are failing to Predict Precisely – there is no way to deliver working remedies. Hint for Best Suitable Remedy is deeply imbibed within Combinations of Numbers (Planets) working at the very foundation of Event. Numbers or Combinations of Numbers that Trigger an Event are Same Numbers (Planets) that require correct assessment to extract working remedy.
Predictions – Sounds Complex – Appears difficult like rocket science – But it is not that complex – All that’s required is an understanding of Psychology of All the 9 Numbers. We humans have psychology – Numbers too are like humans – Actually Planets are higher beings in the form of planets are reduced to numbers for an ease of calculation and consideration.
This Course covers an extensive content on understanding Psychology of Numbers 1 to 9 (9 Planets). As you understand all the 9 Numbers as Human and get familiar with their personalities (Psychology). Decoding Inter-relation between different numbers, Harmony & Conflict between numbers- Equation of Benefit & Loss will come naturally.
Remedies are always around, easy to learn and implement – It is Junk of unwanted information and data that makes calculation complex and inaccessible. We at NumeroMagic strongly believe in making things easy – We explain the why logic behind every calculation and prediction. As why logic is answered well – need to byheart information is conveniently aborted.
We are already loaded with a bulk of remedies. Our life is full of remedies from preschool days to lifetime. But Remedies linked to planets and events are different from general remedies – To have better understanding of Remedies – We have to learn to identify strong planet triggering as the Captain of event. As Captain is pacified, the Event outcome can be controlled and can be tuned to our purpose.
Events are an outcome of Activation of Certain Combinations – As activating Captain planet or number is identified – Identifying remedy gets easy. Our Courses cover detailed explanations on understanding triggers and strong numbers or planets working at the very core of an event. Come Prepared with Loads of Case Studies to Practice Predictions and to Identify Triggering Number (Planet). Your Passion, Hard work and dedication combined with 100+ Predictive Techniques from NumeroMagic will bring you an experience of Magical Predictions & Remedies.
Numerological Remedies & Predictions Course Covers :
All our courses have ultimate support with Q&A Backup over Forum. NumeroMagic as the name suggests – helps you discover magic hidden within Numbers. Come Experience Magical with our Courses.