•   Jai Shri Hanuman

Individual Name Correction Service

List of Individual & Business Name Correction - Predictive Numerology Services

Name Numerology – As name suggests it deals with Energy within Names – Business Name, Individual Name, Brand Name, Nick Name, Pet Names, Product or Service Names, Names of City & Places.
Names have so much significance within itself, Everytime we discuss someone, Individual may or might not be around to be part of discussion – but with his/her name Discussion goes on, Our Name lives beyond us. Names set an example of both Success & Failure.
Name Numerology is the science of identifying energy hidden within names. Its Constructive however it has Destructive Potential too if gone wrong with half knowledge – As we change names for cities – Everything in that city begins to change. Similarly while Individuals Name is changed – There is scope for Changes in their personal circle, social circle, lifestyle, strength and weaknesses. Body hormones change with altered names – Shaping new life.
With Huge Potential to deliver promising success – Name correction is also equally risky if practiced with half knowledge – We at NumerMagic with over 21+ Years of Experience and Extensive Practice and Research in science – Deliver Peace of Mind.
Consult NumeroMagic – for Experiencing Bliss

NumeroMagic Consultation - Services & fees @INR ₹30,000/- Each: