•   Jai Shri Hanuman


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Choose Numero Magic for Genuine Numerology Consultations

Our Numerology Consultation Services are Exclusive & Original in Every Manner – Services covered are mindfully targeted towards solving challenges faced by common man/woman in day to day life.
Unique List of Services, Luck Enhancing Services, Life Altering Predictive Numerology Services, Name Correction Related Services and Services for Media & Entertainment Industry – Icing on the Cake is Recent Discovery of Timing of Events in Predictive Numerology.
With Timing of Events Technique – It is easily possible to Predict Timing of Relationship, Career Switch, Health Risk Alarms, Travel, Opportunities for Growth as well as Caution time.
Each Service is the outcome of our everyday practice and deep passion striving for New Level of Excellence in Predictive Numerology.
Precise Guidance is Promised in our Consultations.

10,000 Plus Expert Numerology Consultation Services at a Click Away.

Direction is so Much More Important than Speed Many are going nowhere fast
- Giving Direction to Your Success -

Choose NumeroMagic Consultation - Choose Peace of Mind

NumeroMagic brings you the most Exclusive and Original research in Modern Day Predictive Numerology in the form of Consultation Services.
We offer the widest range of services engaging our Unique discoveries in Predictive Numerology with a Promise of Accuracy – Authenticity & Precise Predictions.
Listed Consultations are tested repeatedly over and over before presenting it to the world. We make sure we offer Genuine & Quality Service to the seekers.
We are constantly working towards striving new Level of Excellence in Predictive Numerology – Redefining Predictive Numerology

001: Now reduce body weight and get tuned fit body with help of numerology 002: Impotency can be cured with Numerology: reach us for guidance 003: Erectile dysfunction can be cured with Numerology: consult for numerology guidance


015: Know if your numbers have combinations to learn Multiple Languages 016: Know if your Numbers have combinations for troubled Relationships 017: Know if your numbers support Job or Business 018: Lucky Mobile Number Selection


025: Know if your numbers confirm success in printing and publishing industry 026: Know your lucky color, career preferences and strength and weakness with numerology 027: Know if your numbers confirm multiple marriages or relationships 028: Learn about suitable fasting day/remedies day to imrpove health and luck 029: Learn about your secret inclination hidden within combinations of your birth date and name


043: Know suitable Gem stone 044: Know if you are at risk of getting diabetic 045: Know if your kid has a risk of accidents related to fire or electricity, plan precaution 046: Know if you are at risk of drowning in water or risk of poisioning, plan precaution 047: Know if your numbers confirm confirm big beautiful eyes, long thick black hairs and broad shoulders 048: Know if your numbers confirm poor fertility and bleack chances of progeny


060: Know if you can make career in drawing, writing or painting with Numerology 061: know if your numbers hold a pattern for suicide or sudden death, plan precaution 062: Know if your numbers confirm success away from place of birth 063: Know if your numbers confirm business success in electronic industry


076: Know if your numbers confirm odd affairs, relationships w ith huge age difference or difference in status 077: Know if your numbers confirm multiple source of income 078: Know if your numbers confirm more female kids to beholder 079: Numerology can help in bringing distanced partner together or unwated person away 080: Know if your numbers confirm ED. ED can be cured with Name Correction


091: Know your year of struggle, mishap or accident 092: Know your Parents traits just from your birth date 093: Cure impotency with numerology 094: Correct 3 types of Doshas with name correction 095: Fertility related issues can be solved with name correction, talisman and remedies


096: Correct Major Health issues, provided addressed at initial stage 097: Fix short height issue with name correction, provided addressed at right age 098: For those married, know what your marriage date reveals about your life pattern with opportunities and threats highlighted


099: Name Correction Numerology Report 100: Business Name Correction Numerology for Trading Business 101: Business Name Correction Numerology for Manufacturing Business 102: Business Name Correction Numerology for Online / Web Business 103: Business Name Correction Numerology for Automobile Repair – Service


116: Film name correction 117: Film release date numerology 118: Song release date 119: Trailer release date 120: Daily soaps or Web Series name correction 121: Daily soaps or Web Series release date